Wednesday, November 16, 2011


J had been wanting to try this place out for the longest time but for some reason I always seem to push it back. They formerly opened in the Lower East Side and later opened another shop on 14 Street, but decided to close their first shop.

On our way to the hospital to visit a friend, we figured we would get some baos since it was along the way. And because it was along the way that J finally convinced me that we should try it. It was definitely a small shop but seems clean enough. The girl behind the register was pretty cool also. We only ordered 3 different baos, probably should've ordered more but I guess that just gives us a reason to come back.

Cute wall frames. You have any idea how many tries J and I have to take of this to not get anyone's head in the way. This is the best that I got. Although, you can still see the little shadow on the lower left corner, but you wouldn't know that if I didn't point it out... right???

The cute cartoon on the back of the menu. Well, at least it makes looking at a short menu more enjoyable.

We did only order 3 because we actually had some snack beforehand and didn't know how big or small each bao were. If we knew it was this tiny, we most likely would've ordered more.

We tried the Chairman Bao, Haus Bao, and Adobo Bao. To me, none of them really stood out. Maybe I was already upset about how small the bao were but the flavors just didn't do it for me. If I really had to choose, then the Chairman Bao would've taken the crown because of the succulent juicy fat pork meat that was nestled between the buns. The Haus Bao, which was of beef cheek tasted a bit awkward. Don't get me wrong, I love beef cheek but the flavoring tasted so odd like it doesn't belong. As for the Adobo Bao, I thought it was taste fresh and exotic since cilantro usually perks up any food, this one seems to disappoint because there wasn't much cilantro to begin with. What was in there was a big spoonful of hot sauce which I think overpowered the entire bao.

Yea, I was disappointed. I expected something along the lines of ManTao that closed up like last year or something but their bao was like palm size big and filled with the right fillings and sauces. I'll admit, I would be hesitant to head back to BaoHaus but just to cure my curiosity about the other baos, I have no choice.

238 E 14th St
(between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10003
(646) 669-8889 

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