Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dessert Works: Creperie

So much sweets in this world, so endless. Some time last week after a quite early and satisfying meal, J and I walked around in the West Village. J wanted me to try this crepe place a little while back and here we are, finally stepped into this small shack of sweet aroma.

The place was definitely small, 4 seats inside the store and 2 benches on the outside which is used to hold the doors open. The wait can take a while since there's only one person behind the counter taking orders, preparing the crepe, and entertaining you. Once you're up and ready to order, it's like you're in the spotlight. All lights shining on you - literally. It started getting really hot in there because the beams of light were just casting over your shoulders.

S'mores Crepe

They have a large array of items on the menu. If you're not a sweet kind of person, they have savory which is pretty much like a sandwich. Or, you can even make your own. Tell the dude behind the counter what you want and you can be on your way in creating the most monstrous medley crepe.

The S'mores was so beautifully made, first bite was heaven, second bite was still good, third bite was average, and after that it had become way too sweet. I needed milk! I'm not a big sweet kind of person but it was good. Everything taste great on the first 3 bites and it goes down from there. Don't get me wrong, Creperie is great. If you got a sweet tooth, definitely stop by and dig your fangs into these babies.

112 MacDougal St
New York, NY 10012
(212) 256-6705 

1 comment:

  1. hhaa i like how u describe the first 3 bites~ that’s so true sometimes with sweets! ~~~

    xoxo hitomineko xoxo
    *decor mirror giveaway ends in april*
